Because We Care: Empowering Your Health Journey

The course consists of 12 separate lectures, each exploring different aspects of weight loss, from nutrition to genetic influences. You can join at any time, with each live online session lasting 45 minutes, plus an extra 10 minutes for questions. Classes start every Monday at 6 PM CT. At SlimGenetix, we believe that knowledge is key to a successful weight loss journey. While medication can help, true success comes from understanding and applying the knowledge.

Course Curriculum

The program introduction. Getting Started

Understanding Weight Loss Science

Genetic Effects on Weight, Metabolism, Cravings, and Appetite

Essential Guide to Healthy Eating

Common Pitfalls in Weight Loss and How to Avoid Them

Effective Strategies for Achieving Weight Loss Success

Learning Objectives:

Healthy Grocery Shopping: Avoiding Unhealthy Foods, Decoding Labels, and Mastering Meal Planning

Strategies for Eating Out: Navigating Holidays, Vacations, and Social Pressure

The Power of Habit: How Small Changes Lead to Lasting Results

Change Begins from Within

Social and Environmental Influences: Surround Yourself with Supportive, Health-Conscious People

Putting It All Together: Steps to Make It Work

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